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Chapter Cittadinanza e diritti fra 'particolarismo' e 'universalismo' : un campo di tensione della modernità
Year: 2023 Publisher: Florence : Firenze University Press,

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Starting from eighteenth-century natural law theories and the revolutions of the late eight-eenth century, an essential tension emerged: the tension between rights as an effect of the be-longing of subjects to a specific political community and rights as the patrimony of the human being as such. This tension emerges in full light in constitutional democracies, in the European legal space and in the international order in the second half of the twentieth century and is still waiting to be resolved.



The philosophy of human rights : contemporary controversies
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110263394 9786613402882 3110263882 1283402882 9783110263886 9783110263398 Year: 2012 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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The notion of "human rights" is widely used in political and moral discussions. The core idea, that all human beings have some inalienable basic rights, is appealing and has an eminently practical function: It allows moral criticism of various wrongs and calls for action in order to prevent them. On the other hand it is unclear what exactly a human right is. Human rights lack a convincing conceptual foundation that would be able to compel the wrong-doer to accept human rights claims as well-founded. Hence the practical function faces theoretical doubts. The present collection takes up the tension between the wide political use of human rights claims and the intellectual skepticism about them. In particular two major issues are identified that call for conceptual clarification in order to better understand human rights claims both in theory and in practice: the question of how to justify human rights and the tension between universal normative claims and particular moralities.

The Epoch of Universalism 1769–1989L’époque de l’universalisme 1769–1989

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2019 witnessed the 30th anniversary of the German reunification. But the remembrance of the fall of the Berlin Wall coincided with another event of global importance that caught much less attention: the 250th anniversary of Napoleon Bonaparte’s birth. There is an undeniable historical and philosophical dimension to this coincidence. Napoleon’s appearance on the scene of world history seems to embody European universalism (soon thereafter in the form of a ‘modern’ imperial project); whilst scholars such as Francis Fukuyama saw in the events of 1989 its historical fulfilment. Today, we see more clearly that the fall of the Berlin Wall stands for an epistemic earthquake, which generated a world that can no longer be grasped through universal concepts. Here, we deal with the idea of Europe and of its relation to the world itself. Picking up on this contingency of world history with an ironic wink, the volume analyses in retrospect the epoch of European universalism. It focusses on its dialectics, polemically addressing and remembering both 1769 and 1989. L’année 2019 a été marquée par le 30e anniversaire de la réunification de l’Allemagne, éclipsant un autre événement d’envergure mondiale : le 250e anniversaire de Napoléon Bonaparte. La dimension philosophico-historique de cette coïncidence ne peut pourtant pas être négligée : si l’arrivée de Bonaparte sur la scène de l’histoire mondiale semble incarner l’avènement de l’universalisme européen (bientôt amené à prendre sa forme « moderne » et impériale), certains penseurs ont suggéré, avec Francis Fukuyama, que « 1989 » marquait son accomplissement historique. Aujourd’hui, il apparaît au contraire que la chute du mur de Berlin a été un véritable tremblement de terre épistémique, et rendu inopérants les concepts universels. Dans le monde d’après, c’est à l’idée d’Europe et à sa relation au monde que nous avons affaire. Revenant par un geste ironique sur cette contingence historique, le présent volume se veut une analyse rétrospective de l’époque de l’universalisme, dans toute la dialectique que les commémorations de 1769/1989 ont fait surgir.

Revolutionizing a World: From Small States to Universalism in the Pre-Islamic Near East
Authors: ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: UCL Press

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This book investigates the long-term continuity of large-scale states and empires, and its effect on the Near East’s social fabric, including the fundamental changes that occurred to major social institutions. Its geographical coverage spans, from east to west, modern-day Libya and Egypt to Central Asia, and from north to south, Anatolia to southern Arabia, incorporating modern-day Oman and Yemen. Its temporal coverage spans from the late eighth century BCE to the seventh century CE during the rise of Islam and collapse of the Sasanian Empire. The authors argue that the persistence of large states and empires starting in the eighth/seventh centuries BCE, which continued for many centuries, led to new socio-political structures and institutions emerging in the Near East. The primary processes that enabled this emergence were large-scale and long-distance movements, or population migrations. These patterns of social developments are analysed under different aspects: settlement patterns, urban structure, material culture, trade, governance, language spread and religion, all pointing at movement as the main catalyst for social change. This book’s argument is framed within a larger theoretical framework termed as ‘universalism’, a theory that explains many of the social transformations that happened to societies in the Near East, starting from the Neo-Assyrian period and continuing for centuries. Among other influences, the effects of these transformations are today manifested in modern languages, concepts of government, universal religions and monetized and globalized economies.

Antisemitism and the left : on the return of the Jewish question
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1526104962 1526104954 9781526104960 9781526104984 1526104989 1526104970 Year: 2018 Publisher: Manchester, UK : Manchester University Press,

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Universalism has always shown two faces to the world: one emancipatory and inclusionary, the other repressive and exclusionary. Jewish experience of universalism has been correspondingly equivocal. Antisemitism and the left provides an original and stimulating study of modern antisemitism, tracing the intellectual and political struggles between these two opposed perspectives. At times, universalism has acted as a stimulus for Jewish emancipation, for civil, political and social inclusion. But it has also been used to justify hatred of Jews, depicting them as hostile to the entire human race, in ways even more sinister than those found in pre-modern and largely Christian traditions of anti-Judaism. A key feature of this repressive and exclusionary universalism and the distinctly modern form of antisemitism it has generated has been the construction of a putative 'Jewish question', which somehow needs to be 'solved'. This book provides conceptual analysis of the struggles waged within the Enlightenment, Marxism, critical Jewish thought and the contemporary left, engaging with such key authors as Mendelssohn, Marx, Adorno and Horkheimer, Arendt and Habermas, to critique the very notion of the 'Jewish question' and rescue universalism from the antisemitic morass into which it has too often fallen. Antisemitism and the left will appeal to students, lecturers and the general reader interested in antisemitism and/or in principles of universalism, spanning the fields of politics, sociology, history, philosophy and Jewish studies.

Reinventing Christian Doctrine : Retrieving the Law-Gospel Distinction
ISBN: 0567704343 0567704327 0567704300 Year: 2022 Publisher: London : London : T&T Clark, Bloomsbury Publishing,

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Providing an alternative to current Trinitarian and Christocentric approaches to dogmatics, this open access book instead centres the Augustinian and classical Reformation Law-Gospel distinction. Maarten Wisse demonstrates the viability of dogmatics based on the Law-Gospel distinction from both a historical and a systematic-theological perspective. From a historical perspective, Wisse shows that the actual use of Scripture should be understood as the interplay between a critical concern about the difference between God and the world on the one hand, and the witness to God's presence in Christ in the world on the other. From a systematic-theological perspective, the benefits of approaching dogmatics through the dynamics between Law and Gospel is exemplified by discussions of key dogmatic topics, such as the doctrine of Scripture, predestination, atonement, the Eucharist and the theology of religions. The eBook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence on Open access was funded by The Protestant Theological University..

Open Society Unresolved : The Contemporary Relevance of a Contested Idea.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789633865903 Year: 2023 Publisher: Budapest : Central European University Press,

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"Is the concept of open society still relevant in the 21st century? Do the current social, moral, and political realities call for a drastic revision of this concept? Here fifteen essays address real-world contemporary challenges to open society from a variety of perspectives. What unites the individual authors and chapters is an interest in open society's continuing usefulness and relevance to address current problems. And what distinguishes them is a rich variety of geographical and cultural backgrounds, and a wide range of academic disciplines and traditions.While focusing on probing the contemporary relevance of the concept, several chapters approach it historically. The book features a comprehensive introduction to the history and current 'uses' of the theory of open society. The authors link the concept to contemporary themes including education, Artificial Intelligence, cognitive science, African cosmology, colonialism, and feminism. The diversity of viewpoints in the analysis reflects a commitment to plurality that is at the heart of this book and of the idea of open society itself"--

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